
On Tuesday 15th October at 12:00 (CET) we host on our weekly Slot on 88,4 Berlin/ 90,7 Potsdam the episode 35 of PachaKamani series.

Sesión 35 - Kamani Archipel. Inteligencia Artificial 2 La Inteligencia Artificial: Usos e impactos en la investigación y divulgación cultural

¿Te has preguntado cómo la Inteligencia Artificial (IA) está transformando el mundo? ¿Qué aplicaciones tiene en diferentes ámbitos y sectores? ¿Qué beneficios y riesgos conlleva su uso? ¿Qué implicaciones éticas y sociales tiene? En la sesión 35 desde Archipel y PachaKamani compartimos la segunda parte del Panel en Directo para aproximarnos a posibles respuestas a las interrogantes planteadas. El título de este encuentro es «La Inteligencia Artificial: Usos e impactos en la investigación y divulgación cultural».

Contamos con la participación de profesionales de distintas disciplinas que nos hablarán de sus aproximaciones y experiencias con la IA.

Inteligencia Artificial Panelistas invitad@s

Enzo Alejandro Ochoa Paniagua

Diseñador gráfico y artista plástico – Estudio de diseño Enzo8a Trabajó en diseño gráfico por más de 20 años y se especializó en la creación de marcas y conceptos gráficos. Otra línea de especialización en el exterior fue en marca turismo país ademas de representar gráficamente a Bolivia como creador gráfico de concepto región turística por mas de 5 años. Enzo Ochoa en LinkedIn Enzo Ochoa en FaceBook

Jhanneth Ramos Ponce

Egresada de la carrera de Arqueología en la Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, cursa el último semestre de la carrera de Antropología en la misma institución. Actualmente es la Vicepresidenta de la Sociedad Científica de Estudiantes en Investigación Arqueológica y Antropológica. Se desenvuelve en el ámbito de la investigación del Ciberespacio, Bioarqueología y Paleopatología.

Nestor Araujo Mamani

Antropólogo experto en Patrimonio Cultural. Investiga redes sociales y comunidades virtuales Antropólogo especializado en evaluación de Impacto Ambiental. Gestor de comunicación y desarrollo de comunidades indígena. Especialista social en temas medio ambientales y de gestión del patrimonio cultural. Blog: Antradio-pod

Gloria Villarroel Salgueiro

Consultora en temas de genero, desarrollo económico, investigaciones sobre textil andino, docente en investigación antropológica e histórica; investigación en patrimonio inmaterial.

Modera: Richard Mújica

Investigador en antropología sonora-musical y patrimonio cultural inmaterial. Gestor cultural, productor de podcast y músico tradicional. Curioso de la tecnología y los recursos digitales aplicados a la creatividad, investigación y producción de contenido.

Archipel e.V is a small arts and culture association registered within the german requirments, according to which we assigned as our main purpose advocating for tolerance in all areas of culture and the concept of international understanding, especially supporting the emancipation of entities that have been pushed to the margins.

In the last months we have watched consecutive war crimes being commited by Israel backlashing Hamas horrendous attentat on October 7th 2023. We have watched powerful governments, in particular the German, support inconditionally and financially an offensive in Palestine that is unjustifiable. We watched hate speech profaned by the mouths of people in charge. We watched hundreds of international human rights organisations desperately denoucing an on-going massacre. We have watched protests, especially in Berlin, that in no way endorsed Hamas - instead mourne and demanded respect to human rights - be violently supressed. We have watched police reinforcement of racial profiling and provocations to the Palestinian, Arab and Muslim communitites living in Berlin. We have watched a quick escalation of discrimitation and ignorant statements about Arabs and Muslims, specially inside schools, from educational staff and school communities. We have watched german art and educational institutions, when at all making public statements, show solidarity to the losses of Israel and silence about what is happening in Palestine. We confirm a complex set of silencing mechanisms at play against those that are critical of mainstream narratives.

Hereby we publicly declare our devastation about this situation and that we do not agree with the ways the German government and the German cultural and academic circuit has acted so far. We are disapointed and specially revolted by the discrepancy between all the decolonial discourse that has permeated the arts - a staging in which all members of our organisation have acted upon - and the general retraction to a brutal scenario that blows up the main injustices and power inequalities decolonization fights against. We understand there are many mechanisms for silencing at play, still, we cannot accept the submission to this oppression of speech and criticism. We call specially the german voices to work out through their reasons not to speak up and use their locus of speech that is of particular relevance to the injustices exploding in the last months and to the extreme-right agenda that is taking over more and more space.

We would like also to call attention to the many ways in which this current crisis reinforce mechanisms of polarization and separation between people all over the world. Archipel will put its efforts in maintaing its open channel for all voices and contuining to produce spaces of encounter in times of further increase in broken relationships. Inasmusch as we feel we must speak out against the current upmost injustices, we also need to stay aware of the importance of connectivity and cross-communication in the sight of a large aparatus that is trying to disrupt valuable interpersonal relationships. We want to contribute to free and diverse media environment and foster cultures of listening that produce empathy and respect.


p.s. We keep changing at the beginning of this statment days, for weeks, for months...

Archipel Stations Community Radio